Thursday, December 9, 2010

Project Management for Drupal

What do I do for a living? Jeez, how do I explain it... wait, here's a great article going through all the steps of my job.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drop box, how I love thee

I recently got turned onto dropbox.

Its creates a desktop folder which you can sync with all your computers or your iphone. You can share folders with friends and open files on your phone.

Open pdfs in ibooks.... its really awesome.

Here's a list of drop box hacks - using it as your documents folders... syncing itunes over multiple computers, etc.

Here's another list of hacks, some of those overlap with the first link, but a couple new ones.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Project Management Interview

Please check out my interview with Dave Prior of Project Wizards and the Drunken PM blog. We talk about how I used social media to get my current gig at Funny Garbage and what I do for a living.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mapping my Mind, My Mind Mapping

Maybe it's the face that I am a double Capricorn... but I have to confess, I love mind-mapping software. I recently purchased the iThoughts application software on my iphone. And I have been happily creating complicated mindmaps on my iphone... maps of my dreams, my 92 item to do list, work lists, plans for career development, websites, plans of actions... you name it!

And I emailing them as outlines, pngs or transferring freemind files to my desktop!

Freemind is a free javabased mind-mapping software. Its not as sexy as iThoughts, but it does the job.

I am happy and more organized. I love good tools!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why oh Why Blog

A couple of years ago I went to a design conference called Sahre Victore Wilker. Designers from all over the world came for the 5 day event. There everyone was asking and talking about blogs blogs blogs and it was all the trend.

Last year I went to a conference on entrepreneurs and people were talking tweet tweet tweet.

This article was written last year and it gives some great reasons why to blog... I highly recommend it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Mythical Man Month

I recently picked up the Mythical Man Month by Fred Brooks. Its not only a great read, but its surprisingly insightful.

It is touted as THE book on software engineering and project management, and I am finding it to be a great read and very insightful in regards to the creative process.

Here's a link to the wiki article:

But I suggest picking up a copy yourself.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Learning Papervision 3D

Lately I have been asked to develop a 3D Aquarium. I know, not anything revolutionary in the world of the internet, but it is an opportunity to explore and learn Papervision3D and a 3D program. Two things that have been on my ToDo list for about forever.

After hunting around, I have found the Inside RIA site to be the best for free info. I'll keep updating this as my knowledge grows.

I'm posting a few resources that I am finding to be very informative:




Papervison Cheat Sheet

Gathering of the Tribes

DATE: Wednesday, March 10, 2010
TIME: 7:30-10:00 pm
WHERE: Atmananda Yoga Studios
324 Lafayette Street, 7th Floor,
New York City 10012
FEE: $10 prior to March 1st, $15 at door

HOW CAN YOU deepen your sense of purpose?
... find your gifts beyond the social mask?
... get honest heart felt feedback?

called to participate in the Gathering of the
Tribes, a large-scale event to unite, support
and enliven the rapidly growing community
of conscious men. In these times of accelerated
change and enormous challenge, this is an
opportunity for us all to find greater strength
and a more expansive vision. By extending
beyond our familiar "tribes" into a wider
community of brothers we widen our awareness
and align our purposes.

A balanced, loving world relies on the presence
of men who live a joyful expression of
their masculine essence. It is a simple and
beautiful gift to be a man, and as we liberate
ourselves from our fears, we silently and
powerfully liberate one another as brothers.
No matter your experience or familiarity with
men's work, this event will serve to deepen
and broaden your connection with yourself,
the community, and the world.
Groups such as David Deida, The ManKind
Project, Sterling Foundation, MDI, and others
will be represented.

We will then have various groups “Rule the
Room” for 20 minutes offering their best and
most exciting exercises. The purpose is to
challenge all gathered men to greater depth,
consciousness, presence and compassion.

"The Gathering of the Tribes is a chance to
connect with other conscious men - to serve
and be served to greater consciousness, love
and purpose. In this forum you will get a gift
not likely available in any part of your life -
namely the support, challenge and truth from
other deep, conscious men who want you to
live your greatest potential." John Slicker

"Gathering of the Tribes is a two-day mens
workshop delivered in two hours! An incredible
experience in such an honest, deep,
authentic, and fierce brotherhood." Mark
Thornton, author Meditation in a New York